Online Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in California.

Hello from your friendly neighborhood DBT therapist! Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an evidence based therapy approach that can help people with a wide range of struggles and disorders. The foundation of this therapy is skills plus mindfulness to help people live a life worth living. Originally it was developed for those struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder, particularly those struggle with intense mood swings, poor social skills, and frequent thoughts about suicide. Now it is often used to help support people with a wide range of disorders from anxiety and depression to those struggling with neurodivergent struggles like autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.

Why DBT therapy?

  • Evidence based

  • Protocol not procedure based

  • Heavy focus on Mindfulness

As a Certified Dialectical Behavioral Therapist practicing in all over California, this is a modality of therapy that I use often in nearly all my therapy sessions. I love this way of doing therapy as it allows for me to be flexible and meet people where they are at. Some therapies can be rigid and procedure based. For example you are expected to complete the treatment in 12 sessions and each session has a focus. This does not always work and I would much rather see what people bring into the session and then use skills to support them in their current struggles. This is why I find DBT therapy to be so useful, it provides protocols without the rigidity of being a procedure based therapy. 

Another reason I really like using DBT in my online therapy practice in California, is that it really focuses on the importance of mindfulness. This is a skill that not only is important for individuals but something that is important for people in their relationships. Mindfulness is something that is huge in couples and family therapy work. My training as a licensed marriage and family therapist means that I see people as part of systems and mindfulness helps people interact in healthier ways with one another. Why is mindfulness so important? Because oftentimes we just aren’t being mindful and that is where conflict happens. 

Mindfulness is something that I believe most people have heard about by now. It has been shown to help people get better sleep, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and help people live more productive lives. Mindfulness is more of a way of life not just a skill. Mindfulness is the backbone of DBT therapy. In my therapy practice I will often begin sessions with a mindfulness exercise and at the very least highly suggest that my clients develop and practice a daily mindfulness activity to help them reach their therapy goals. 

DBT therapy will teach you skills such as emotional regulation, interpersonal (relationship) skills, and how to live a life that is aligned with your values. Whether you experienced childhood trauma, went through a painful divorce, or are finding yourself adjusting to post COVID life, DBT therapy can help and it has helped so many people. In fact the creator of DBT therapy, Marsha Linehan, shares that she created the therapy that she needed because nothing else worked. Now if that isn’t powerful, I don’t know what is. This amazing woman wanted to heal so badly that she made up her own therapy and guess what it worked! So many people have found that DBT therapy was just what they needed to be able to live a life with meaning, joy, and more calmness. 

Online DBT therapy is just as effective as in person DBT therapy, and many people report that they even prefer it. Doing therapy online means you have more flexibility and freedom to schedule therapy into an already busy schedule and you won’t have to worry about traveling to and from the therapy office. Another pro to online therapy is that you can do therapy from the comfort of your own home, something that I have noticed has helped people address their issues in a deeper way more quickly. Additionally people with young kids benefit from online therapy since they won’t have to worry about child care. I honestly could go on and on about the positives behind online therapy. It is important to note that I do not offer a tradition DBT program. A tradition DBT program in several hours a week, includes one on one therapy, group therapy, and coaching in-between sessions to help people overcome serious mental health struggles. I offer a free consultation and I will assess if what I offer is enough to help you meet your needs.

Online DBT therapy is just as effective as in person DBT therapy, and many people report that they even prefer it.

I chose to get certified in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy because I wanted to do the extra work in learning about this therapy to be able to provide people with quality treatment. When you choose someone who is certified or has advanced training in a specialty you are more likely to experience a higher quality of treatment. When you have a higher quality of treatment you can expect to reach your goals faster and in a more lasting way. I ensure that I continue to go to training, read the latest articles and books, and continue to get supervision not because I have to but because I want to be the quality therapist that you deserve. I have heard way too many stories about people sharing with me that they felt like they were wasting time and money with a past therapist, feeling as if they were not making progress. I have been there myself, sitting session after session not feeling like I was getting anywhere closer to my goals. I do things differently because I needed better treatment and want to be able to provide a space where people have access to quality online therapy in California. 

DBT therapy is not for everyone and that is why I also use other approaches and blend my style to meet people where they are and give them an experience that will help create a life that they find worth living. Don’t hesitate to reach out! I would love to speak with you and see if I can help you heal trauma, heal your inner child wounds, overcome stress, and reach your goals!


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