How to communicate better with your partner: tips from a SD couples therapist.
Working with an EFT couples therapist in San Diego can help you learn the skills you need to have the relationship you both deserve.
Can EMDR therapy help you heal your inner child and why?
EMDR therapy has been around for decades, and it is backed by science. We know the body does in fact keep the score click to learn how to EMDR therapy can help you heal your inner child that lives deep within your nervous system.
Tips for rebuilding trust and having hard conversations.
Whether it is lying, cheating, or some other betrayal, repairing trust is one of the most common reasons people seek out couples therapy.
An easy-to-follow guide to help you mentally survive the 2024-2025 holiday season.
The holidays bring up a lot for people. Joy, sadness, stress, just a lot. I want to give you some tangible coping skills to help you prepare mentally and get through the holidays while protecting your mental health.
How to find the right therapist in San Diego (Or anywhere else).
Finding the right therapist can feel daunting, here are my recommendations. Whether its the specialty, location, or price, we cover it here.
How to heal your relationship with money
Therapy can help you feel better about money by helping you unpack unhealthy messages so that you can heal your money trauma.
Bad at relationships or untreated ADHD?
Learn how untreated ADHD is causing you to have more misunderstandings with others leading to fights, breakups, or people slowly losing touch with you.
How to feel your feelings and improve your emotional intelligence
Feeling your feelings is hard and a lot of us grew up in homes where feelings were not tolerated or expressed. Working on your emotional intelligence can help you cope with depression, anxiety, and process unresolved traumas. Plus can help you have healthier, happier relationships!
How do you convince someone to go to therapy?
Trying to convince someone to go to therapy is hard. Here are some tips to make that conversation go more smoothly.
How to Stop the Top Three Thinking Mistakes Perfectionists Do
Your mind can literally make you sick with worry when you are a perfectionist. Perfectionists often struggle with anxiety, depression, and emotional sensitivity, making it hard to function at their best at work and at home. Here are the most common thinking mistakes that people with perfectionism struggle with. Plus how to stop it!
What is Couples Therapy Like in Fresno in 2023?
You have a feeling you should go to couples therapy but maybe you aren’t sure what to expect. This one is for you!
How to Make Drama Free Relationships.
Good relations don’t just happen, they are created and maintained. But just how do you create drama-free relationships, where you aren’t fighting all the time, and where you feel understood?
Why Does My Life Feel Like One Emergency After Another?
This feeling of being in a constant state of crisis is a very common experience. It is like a bad day but every day. It could be related to your wounded inner child or insecure attachment style.
7 Common Fights Couples Have and How To Work Through Them
Wondering if what you and your partner fight about is normal? That is exactly what today’s post is all about. At the end of the day, we just want to communicate better, feel understood, and feel connected with our partner, husband, or wife. Let’s unpack just how to do that.
Your Complete Guide to Better Dating: Dating Tips From a Couples Therapist
Dating can be one of the most stressful parts of a persons life. How do you go on better dates and find the perfect partner? Click to learn my favorite dating tips I share all the time.
A Couples Guide to Having Better Fights
When we fight in our relationships it feels the worst. Fighting is not necessarily a bad thing and is often part of a otherwise healthy relationship. It is not about never fighting again but instead the goal might be to lessen the amounts of fights and to ensure fights are healthy. Learn more about how to actually have better fights.
Why Is Self Compassion So Hard And How To Work On It.
Self-compassion is something that people often don’t realize has its roots in childhood. Being negative and self-hating might be a protective strategy that you have learned, but it is possible and so worth it to unlearn this “skill.”
Seven Tips for a Great Couples Check-in That Are Therapist Approved.
Having a “couples check-in” can help you fight less and finally solve issues. These are the tips I share with the couples to help them improve their relationship, rebuild trust, and help them feel connected.
How to Spice Things Up Again With Your Partner.
Relationship can get boring and that spark is often lost for couples and marriages. And I am talking about not just your sex life. In addition to seeking out couples or marriage therapy, I want to share other things you can do to help you regain that spark and spice.
Preparing for Pregnancy: A Therapist’s Tips.
Pregnancy can bring up a lot of complicated feelings, very high highs and often very low lows. Anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and depression are common during pregnancy. In addition to seeking out therapy I want to share other things you can do to help you mentally prepare for pregnancy.
Give me a call at (805) 255-3305 or click the button below to set up a a free consultation.