Post Graduation Anxiety.

Yes! You have your diploma in hand and you are saying bye to late nights studying and stressing about that GPA. You have made it and have closed a significant chapter in your life. Things are looking good, until those thoughts start to creep in.

Thoughts that are common and 100% normal:

Will I get hired soon?

Did I major in the wrong thing?

Do I need more education?

Will I make enough to support myself?

Do I have to move back home?

Will I be able to pay off loans?

Was school a waste of time?

What am I going to do?

If you are having these thoughts and find yourself worrying often, having trouble with concentration, being easily annoyed, and you just can’t seem to relax, you might have anxiety related to recently graduating and feeling overwhelmed with what is next.

Keep on reading to explore what you can do to cope with post graduation anxiety and 5 positive affirmations to cope with it!

Speaking with a career services department from your alma matar.

Just because you no longer go to class everyday or live on campus, means your contact with your school is over. The school is more than a few lines on your resume or a degree proudly framed. You have connections and resources for life. Use them. Reach out to old professors, mentors, classmates, and most importantly utilize your career services department. They are there and are often more than eager to help, because that is what they are passionate about. Helping you succeed!

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Do yourself a favor and stop scrolling through your feed noticing how so and so got offered the best job or so and so was offered an amazing internship. Be happy for them AND be loving towards yourself. Remember you are on your own path and sulking when you scroll is not helping. Also, no one posts when life isn’t picture perfect, so believe me you are not alone.

Set small measurable goals.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with goals BUT often people set way to high expectations for themselves. Start smaller. Goals help us achieve the things in life that we not only work hard for but deserve. Goals take work. Goals take time and patience. But small measurable goals are important in helping you stay motivated and not defeated. Set a goal for every day, week, monthly instead of a 5 year goal. Having an end goal is wonderful, but break it down into measurable small goals. Small steps in the right direction will help you get to where you are going. 

5 Positive affirmations to cope with post graduation anxiety.

What is a positive affirmation? A positive affirmation is a phrase or sentence that you can tell yourself to help support a healthier mood. They are proven to support increased feelings of positivity and reduce negative self-talk.

I am on my own journey.

Everyone is on their own journey in life. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Having some acceptance and gratitude can help you in low moments. 

My degree has taught me valuable skills.

Think about the critical learning that you had to do, day in and day out. Those are skills that have shaped you into the person you are today. Own that!

I can only control me.

Sometimes we forget how very little control we have. And when we focus on things we cannot control, we become more irritable and anxious. Practice a daily medication where you focus on your breath. Where you focus on what you do have control over.

I am proud of the hard work it took to get here.

Whether you were the first in your family to get a degree or you overcame struggles as you pushed yourself through college. 

I am resourceful.

Think about the creativity and ways in which you had to overcome difficult and tough situations over the last several years. When Plan A didn’t work out, you knew there were 25 other letters in the alphabet. You’ve got this and you know it.

I hope you treat yourself with gentleness as you navigate these feelings post graduation. Don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to a trusted person or a professional. 


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