Is therapy for me?

Are you wondering if therapy is for you?

Short answer: Yes.

Maybe you have noticed more and more people keep talking about therapy, or you keep seeing it talked about in all TV shows. Did anyone else notice DBT casually being part of She-Hulk? That definitely had my heart singing as a certified DBT therapist!

Whether you call it talk therapy, psychotherapy, or mental health. Therapy is definitely having a moment, and I hope that moment never goes away because therapy is cool. And yeah I am biased because you know I am a psychotherapist. 

But I am curious, have you done therapy before? Maybe it was a few sessions at the college counseling center or a group support after a loved one's passing. Maybe you are a seasoned therapy consumer with quite the impressive collection of self help books and talk everyone's ear off about Brene Brown, Nedra Tawaab, Adam Grant

Whether you are a newcomer or returning for some deeper work, I would love to walk you through the therapy process, specifically my process when it comes to therapy. The reason I dedicate an entire page to this is so that you have the information you need before making a commitment to working with me. It is not easy choosing a therapist and I want to help you make the right choice for you, because no two therapists are the same.

I like to think of therapists as being like the style of clothes or different tv shows. There are so many different styles of clothes and so many different types of TV shows. A therapist can have many different modalities, or the way in which they do therapy. For example a therapist who works with children probably uses art and play therapy techniques. And a therapist who works with those who have phobias, probably works with exposure type therapies. 

Are you struggling with feeling connected and present in your day to day life? Anxious and depressed, or just always on edge?  Are you struggling with getting along with your partner or spouse? Are you struggling with feeling productive, maybe you find it hard to stay focused and feel like you are just completely lost, in a fog. Are you just not sure about this life anymore and feel like you are an imposter? These are the things that people work on in therapy with me. 

As for me I am a trauma therapist and a couples therapist. The modalities I use are dependent on if I am working with an individual person or if I am working with a couple. Click here to read more about how I work with couples. And keep on ready to learn more about how I work with those in individual therapy work.

I serve people all over California online. Online therapy is something that I have found to be incredibly beneficial. Because people are often on the go, wanting to avoid traffic, and might struggle to find the time, online therapy has been a game changer in the therapy world. I have noticed that people feel more comfortable when they are able to therapy in the comfort of their own home. In addition I often see people while they are at work on their lunch breaks. Virtual therapy is something that has made therapy so much more accessible.

I am a trauma therapist at heart, and I worked with a wide range of traumas. Oftentimes people don’t even realize what they went through was traumatic and me being able to explore this with them in therapy, has helped countless people make sense as to why they are struggling so much in their present day life.

As a trauma therapist I have done extensive training in therapists such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and including somatic type therapies like EMDR.

Maybe you have never been to therapy and you are wondering what to even expect, don’t worry I have got you covered. I would say at least half of the people I work with are newcomers to therapy, so you are in good hands. I stress safety and comfort above all else in therapy. I always make it a point that you, the client, are in control of where we go in our therapy conversations. I guide and ask questions but you are in charge of saying no and deciding not to talk about something. I know it takes time to build a safe trusting relationship, and I want you to take your time getting to trust me. The first few months of therapy often feels like testing the waters, with time I might challenge you a bit more, but only if you are ready. And when it comes to trauma therapy, we definitely take our time.

People often wonder if trauma therapy is for them and what it is like. Let me tell you that trauma therapy is one of the hardest things we can do in therapy but it is also one of the most rewarding for the clients that I serve. I help people get their lives back. 

Even people who have not experienced a “Big T” trauma, can benefit from trauma therapy. I am talking about “little t” traumas like frequent moves as a child or growing up with an unavailable parent. Maybe your parents were kind and loving, but they had to work long hours, this can easily turn into some interesting behaviors that we can work together on in therapy. I am a firm believer of two truths at the same time. Your parents did the best that they could and you were hurt sometimes. Some of the most common behaviors I see in adults who had trauma, big or small, is people pleasing, boundaries, shame, feeling lost and not knowing who they are, and struggling in their adult relationships.

I have been practicing trauma therapy in California for years and I have worked under great supervisors, doing advanced training so that I can provide you with quality treatment. Why? Because you deserve a therapist who will help you get back the life you deserve, and a therapist who will help you create a life worth living.


How childhood trauma impacts play and rest in adulthood.


3 ways to take care of your inner child wound.