How to Feel More Confident by Addressing Root Cause Issues.
Feeling more confident sometimes feels like a lifelong struggle, I get that. Struggles with confidence can impact your work and home life. Learn how to feel more confidence and live a life where you feel you aren’t constantly doubting yourself.
Couples Therapist’s Tips For How to Rebuild Trust.
Rebuilding trust in a relationship after it has been broken is not easy. The three basic steps include: first, take responsibility for the role you played, second, listen to your partner's perspective and accept their feelings, and third, envision and work towards your new relationship together. Let me share with you what I have learn works when rebuilding trust.
How to Stop Being So Negative and Judgy All The Time.
How to be less judgy and negative is something that I have heard a lot of my clients talking about and I just felt for them, because this is something that has been part of my own personal journey too. Here are my go to tips for what works for me and others.
What to Do If You Have Outgrown Your Partner.
People outgrow their relationships and marriages all the time. It is important to live your one precious life but also we don’t want to run away from things that couples therapy can help you overcome. Learn more about why people outgrow their romantic relationship, and when to call it quits or decide if this is something you can work through.
How to Stop People Pleasing & Imposter Syndrome at Work and Home With EMDR Therapy.
What is people pleasing? What is imposter syndrome? And how do they impact anxiety, mood, and behaviors? Learn what you can do about it. You deserve to feel good enough!
17 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Married.
Thinking about if this relationship is headed towards a more serious space? How do you even know if you are ready for marriage? Being able to ask yourself questions about what your hoping for in marriage can really help you get closer to an answer about what to do next and set you and your partner up for a successful marriage.
7 Strategies For Healthier Conflict With Your Partner.
Conflict happens, but how do you fight in a way that makes sense? Learn the communication skills and strategies that I teach couples, to help them fight less and fight in a more healthy way when they do. You deserve a relationship that feels good.
Thinking Errors That Get in the Way of Healthy Relationships.
Conflict happens, but how do cognitive distortions or thinking errors play a role in having healthy relationships? Learn more about the most common thinking errors I see in my therapy practice and how to avoid them so that you fight less and fight healthier.
31 Things to Bring up at Your Next Therapy Session.
Unsure about what to talk about to make it the most out of therapy? Here are some ideas to help you come up with topics to talk about in therapy, so that you make the most of your therapy experience!
What Makes Successful Couples Therapy?
There are things that make for a good couples therapy experience and then there are things that make for a not great experience. Here is what to look for when looking for when picking a couples therapist and how to know if couples therapy is successful and worth it.
15 Lifestyle Changes You Can Start Now to Reduce Anxiety
Is anxiety keeping you from living your best life? You aren’t alone. Anxiety is one of the number reasons why people seek out therapy. Here are my favorite tips for managing anxiety.
How to Talk About Emotional Labor with Your Partner
Emotional labor is a common topic for lots of couples. In a partnership emotional labor is the work it takes, often invisible, to run a home and do life with your partner. It can lead to conflict in couples and be pain point of tension. Click to read more about emotional labor, to see more than nineteen examples, and how to talk about this with your partner with out it breaking out into a fight.
11 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome keeps thousands of people stuck in their heads and feeling like they are not good enough. Imposter syndrome is not being able to shake the feeling that you are not a good enough person for the job at hand, despite being qualified. Learn 11 ways to overcome imposter syndrome and learn about where it comes from.
How to Live a Life More Aligned With Your Values.
How do you stop that Monday Dread? One way can be living a life aligned with your values. When we live life aligned with our values we find that that pressure is lifted. All of sudden you are able to be calmer, happier, and feel like you finally have it together (at least somewhat more!)
Journal Prompts for Healing Inner Child.
Some people can pull out a journal and spill their heart and soul onto the page, others (like me) need some support to get the ball rolling. I want to share my favorite journal prompts for healing your inner child. I guess you can think of an inner child as a metaphor for all the “stuff” that comes up whenever life gets hard and these prompts can help you along the healing journey.
How to Take Care of Yourself During a "Quarter-Life Crisis."
So what exactly is a “quarter-life crisis.” Do you feel like you have no idea who you are, where you are going, and how to get there? Welcome, my friend to the quarter life crisis. It is basically a midlife crisis but way sooner. Think anywhere between early 20s to late 30s. In this post, we will go over reasons I think contribute to a quarterlife crisis, plus self care to help you cope with a quarterlife crisis.
How to Know When to Go to Couples Therapy?
It can be overwhelming when you are not sure when to reach out for support in couples counseling. As a couples therapist who has served hundreds of couples, I will share with you the most common reasons people seek out couples therapy, how to find and choose a couples therapist, and what to expect in a couples therapy session.
How to Talk to Your Partner About Sex.
Sex and intimacy issues bring people to couples therapy all the time. Let me share with you how to navigate a common stressor. Like what do you say? When? Keep reading, I’ve got you covered. I want to share tried and true strategies for being able to have this very important talk with your partner.
How to Talk About Boundaries With Out Your Partner Getting Defensive.
A healthy boundary is where our own limits are respected. Boundaries are so important for healthy loving relationships. Couples often struggle with communicating their boundaries with their partner without either one of them becoming defensive. Learn how to talk about boundaries with out becoming defensive.
7 Hard Truths About Growing Up As The Child of an Immigrant.
Growing up as the child of an immigrant can greatly shape a person: in the way that they view others, the world, and themselves. This can show up in your work life, romantic relationships, and pretty much all areas. As a therapist with lived and professional experienced I want to share with you 7 hard truths .
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